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Unplug and Recharge through Digital Detox.

August 06, 2024 2 min read

Unplug and Recharge through Digital Detox.

Have you ever been scrolling social media and start to feel an almost imperceptible sense of anxiety or anger or jealousy, and you're not even sure where it came from?

It's easy to get caught up in, and even addicted to the constant ping of dopamine from scrolling.  How often are our phones even out of reach? I mean, I see commercials telling you to gamble on your phone while going to the bathroom! That can't be a good idea!

Have you ever stopped to think about the impact all this screen time might be having on your well-being?

Studies have shown that excessive screen time can have a host of negative effects on our physical, mental, and emotional health. From eye strain and poor posture to increased stress and anxiety, to distraction and impusivity. And this is in adults. These negative effects can be magnified in a young, still developing brain.

Contrast that with the benefits of being in nature. Spending even just a few minutes outside can boost your vitamin D, improve your mood, and lower your stress. It's even linked to cognitive improvements.

It kinda seems like a no-brainer, yet somehow we still end up scrolling. That's why we're here to talk about the importance of unplugging and giving yourself a much-needed digital detox.

Calm down if you've got an itchy scrolling thumb! A digital detox doesn't mean going completely off the grid. It's simply about finding balance and taking time to reconnect with the world around us.

It can be as simple as avoiding screens after dinner, or leaving your phone out of reach at night. Even getting rid of tempting icons on your homescreen will give you a pause to rethink. Lowering your screen time gives you opportunities to spend quality time with loved ones, take a walk outside, or even indulge in some solitude and self care with BLB😉.

Remember, we only get one shot at this life. Being aware and setting up some guidelines for responsible scrolling can help us make the most of it